Do You Long For More From Life?

From the Author

Throughout my life, I have had this feeling that I was pursuing something but was not quite sure what it was. I had this longing to get more out of life. This longing influenced me in ways that were both good and bad…

Do You Long For More From Life?

From the Author

Throughout my life, I have had this feeling that I was pursuing something but was not quite sure what it was. I had this longing to get more out of life. This longing influenced me in ways that were both good and bad. At times, I found myself running down a path that just did not feel right. As I got a little wiser, I realized my thoughts, words, and actions either made life better, or they led me to feel uncomfortable and sometimes terrible. When things did not feel right, I began to ask myself these questions- Is this how I should be living life? Is there a better way? I began to realize I would never live a perfect life, but that I could move in the direction of a better life if I learned the lessons life was teaching.

In my sixties, I realized what I was always longing for was a more abundant life. Jesus is quoted in John 10:10 as saying “I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” Now, whether you believe Jesus was a prophet, a great teacher, the Messiah, or just a man, the thought of having life and having it more abundantly seems, to me, to be what life is all about. One of the terms we use on our website is “abundant life.” Many people think of abundance as the accumulation of financial wealth and possessions. For me, I think of it more broadly. It is living a life grounded in love. It’s loving God, loving your family, loving people, loving yourself, and loving life. What is an abundant life to you? I think this is an important question to ponder. Do you feel the direction of your life is in alignment with what you believe is a more abundant life? These are questions only you can answer.

I have always struggled with thoughts that continue to eat at me – am I worthy of life’s blessings? Am I worthy of talking to you about abundance? Am I worthy of sharing what little light I bring to this world? I’ve come to realize I don’t have to be worthy, but I must be humble and sincere. When I have self doubts, I focus on loving others and the love I have received. I do not take for granted how others have loved me enough to light a path to follow.

There are so many wonderful people who have shared their wisdom on how to live a better life. How different would my life be if they had not been generous and planted good seeds? I am led to do the same. I share my thoughts with you in hopes that a few good seeds will grow and multiply. I hope you will do the same. It is my belief the world needs more folks sowing good seeds. Should we be generous and plant our good seed? True wisdom comes from above but is shared by folks like you and I.

The first visual on the website has a picture of me and the words “lighting the way to a more abundant life”. I certainly am not “The Light” but plan to share my small light in hopes that others might do the same. There are so many wonderful people doing so much good in this world. Their voices need to be heard. Those who seek to be wise and those who seek to live a more abundant life, I tip my hat to you. I encourage others to learn and grow from their example. My hope is we help each other grow a little wiser and live more abundantly.
