Your Word is a Lamp to my Feet and a Light to my Path

Practical Advice

We can learn so much from one another if we just take the time to listen. That’s why we’ll be featuring blogs written by our strategic partners over at Sawyer Media Group. Starting off this collaboration is my very own cousin, Britt Sawyer, who is also the President and Marketing Strategist, at Sawyer Media Group. […]

Your Word is a Lamp to my Feet and a Light to my Path

Practical Advice

We can learn so much from one another if we just take the time to listen. That’s why we’ll be featuring blogs written by our strategic partners over at Sawyer Media Group. Starting off this collaboration is my very own cousin, Britt Sawyer, who is also the President and Marketing Strategist, at Sawyer Media Group. We hope you’ll take the time to seek wisdom with Britt by reading the blog below. 

– Chess


“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” 

Psalm 119:105 

In our journey of seeking to be wise, I would love to share with you what I think true wisdom is and some practical tips on where to find it. Grab a hot drink and settle in! 

Dear friend – if we seek to gain true wisdom, the best place to start is in God’s Word. The Bible has countless passages on what wisdom is, where to find it, and how to gain it. In Psalm 119:105, the imagery of a lamp and a light is that of God’s guidance. Through seeking Him and reading the Word, things become illuminated. 

In our efforts to gain wisdom, I want to suggest some places where you can find it.


Where to find wisdom: 

In the Word of God 

The law of the Lord is perfect, 

reviving the soul; 

the testimony of the Lord is sure, 

making wise the simple. (Psalm 19:7) 

Do you lack wisdom? Open your Bible, friend. Read it daily, read it in community with others, study it, meditate on it, hide it in your heart. An easy way to begin this habit is downloading the Bible app and starting with reading the Verse of the Day, every day. 

In wise people 

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise. (Proverbs 13:20) 

Be in community with people wiser than you! Humble yourself, remain teachable, and allow God to use upstream people to shape you into being more like Christ as you pursue wisdom through rhythms of community. 


How to gain wisdom: 

Fear the Lord 

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;

fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7) 

This verse asserts that submission to God is foundational to the attainment of real understanding. If you are seeking wisdom, begin by humbling yourself before your Maker and Redeemer; revere God. 

Ask God for wisdom 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, 

who gives generously to all without reproach, 

and it will be given to him. (James 1:5) 

Wisdom is God-given. Without reproach means that He desires for you to ask him for wisdom. Pray for wisdom confidently knowing that He will answer that prayer! 

Surround yourself with wise people 

A wise man will hear and increase in learning, 

and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. (Proverbs 1:5) 

As you are in community with wise, upstream people, remain teachable – be willing to grow in wisdom. 

Final Thoughts 

The Bible is so readily available to us – you can find it in any bookstore and even some grocery stores. If you grew up in the South, most of us had multiple Bibles in our homes. Technology has also made God’s Word easily accessible at the touch of a button. Let’s not become so caught up in trying to gain wisdom from different people or experiences that we neglect the true source of wisdom – God, who gives wisdom to us generously if we ask for it. He has provided his Word for us, which serves as a lamp for our feet as we walk through this life. Friend, open your Bible. 

Growing in wisdom with you, 

Britt Sawyer 

President of Sawyer Media Group