News Topic: From the Author

Ode to Vince Dooley

We lost another college football legend this year, Coach Vince Dooley. He and my Dad inspired my love for University of Georgia football. They are both gone now, but my love of Georgia football lives on….

Written by on December 14, 2022

Seeking Wisdom From John Wooden

If I were putting together my “Seek To Be Wise” leadership council, my number one pick would be John Wooden. His accolades as a coach are too many to name. This small sample will give you a taste of his coaching greatness. Ten NCAA National Championships in men’s basketball in 12 years, including 88 straight […]

Written by on August 22, 2022

Do You Long For More From Life?

Throughout my life, I have had this feeling that I was pursuing something but was not quite sure what it was. I had this longing to get more out of life. This longing influenced me in ways that were both good and bad…

Written by on May 10, 2022

A letter from the author

Whatever you seek in life, wisdom will lead you in the right direction. The most useful lasting guidance I have received in all aspects of life has been grounded in wisdom.

Written by on January 19, 2022